Monday, 26 February 2018

The Children of Carrion and Chaos Mutants

So, like many people across the world, I bought the Dark Imperium boxed set. Admittedly, it was a spur of the moment thing when I preordered it, and I really only bought it for the Primaris Marines (since I was mainly toying with doing a Raptors Space Marine army, which I still plan to do) and I was just going to paint the Death Guard models in the most basic colours, or perhaps even sell them. I had no idea what to do with them really.

But then I looked at them, and they. Were. Gorgeous! In a rotting, decayed and disgusting way, but still. Needless to say... I got hooked. Hard. What started as a force of the 31 models from the Dark Imperium boxset has now expanded to encapsulate just over 100 models.
It's horrifying.

If my life was bit less lacklustre because of work screwing me over by not giving me a good amount of hours during the week which would give me enough money to buy more stuff as well as enough time off to paint said models, I'd probably be more along the line with how my army stands. But I digress.

For the list of what I currently have (as of February 26th), I have:
[Models from Dark Imperium will be marked as DI]
Lord of Contagion w/Plaguereaper [DI]
Malignant Plaguecaster [DI]
Noxious Blightbringer [DI]
Foetid Bloat-drone [DI]
Lord on Contagion w/Manreaper (Lord Felthius)
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour
Aspiring Champion
Foul Blightspawn
Biologus Putrifier 
Tallyman of Nurgle
5 Chaos Possessed 
8 Blightlord Terminators
27 Plague Marines total (mix of DI, regular kit and Easy to Build kit)
20 Chaos Space Marines
26 Poxwalkers (mix of DI and Easy to Build kit)
13 Chaos Cultists
Myphitic Blight Hauler
1 Chaos Spawn
1 Beast of Nurgle
5 Chaos Mutants

Ugh... I'm not going to be stopping anytime soon with this. I'm already working on a unit of Chaos Chosen made with the left over bits from the kits used, and that unit of Chaos Mutants is going to need expanding in a massive direction.
Still! No-one else to blame but myself. 

So let's get cracking with this.
First, I want to show off my Chaos Mutants. Lorewise, my Chaos army, which I realised I should have given the name which is The Children of Carrion, is made up of several segments, ranging from Long War Veterans of the Death Guard at the top to the lowest dregs being made up of mutants, beastmen and Spawn. And here I'll show some of the mutants!

First up is the 'leader' of the group. Since I imagined that in a mutant rabble, then they would most likely follow a 'might makes right' mentality. So their leader is a large, imposing beastman armed with a chainaxe and a plasma pistol. 
The torso and head are obviously from a GW Beastman (a Gor specifically) while the arms and holster are from Victoria Miniatures Broolian Beast Guard Officer sprue, with some extras added from some left over Guard bits. The arms are a bit skinny compared to the torso, but it does look better in person, I swear. I just need to do some greenstuffing to cover up the shoulder joints.

Next up is mutant #2. Made using a GW Flagellant as the base (since I just like the look of it) with a pistol arm from Victoria Miniatures Bare Close Combat Arms Male and a clawed tentacle from the Maxmini Mutation Set. This guy is kind of the more bogstandard concept of a Chaos Mutant I feel. (Boy I wish GW hadn't discontinued their Chaos Mutation sprue. Man I should have brought that when I had a chance)
Just a little size comparison between the two models. The beastman is definitely an imposing figure.
Mutant #3. Again, practically the same fair as before, but with a switch between the arm holding the pistol and more of claw mutation than just a tentacle. I like how this guy looks just that bit much wilder than the last guy. It's definitely the beard.

Mutant #4. Went with the fly head from the Maxmini Mutation Set this time, while the arms and lasgun are from the Victoria Miniatures Penal Guard 5 man squad. I like the look of the lasgun and arms since it says two things: that this guy was recently released from Imperial detention and and was given probably THE SHODDIEST rifle that exists in the armory. Perfect for Chaos Mutants.

Mutant #5. Bits wise, this guy had more going for him, since he was made up from a leftover Cadian Shock Troop torso with the Aquila scraped off, a head from the Genestealer Cult Upgrade kit, and arms and legs from the Victoria Miniatures Penal Guard kit. The model I feel kind of tells a small story, since he's wearing a scrappy penal outfit and still has his chains on shows that he's been recently freed from Imperial detention, given the same shoddy lasrifle as the mutant above, then has killed an Imperial trooper and looted his flak armor for his own protection. The arms and legs are a little bit skinny compared to the Cadian kit, but I feel that it make him seem undernourished/underfed, which kind of fits with the narrative I feel.
And now a group-shot. Ready to bring death and destruction to the Imperium, for the Dark Gods!

Stay tuned for more pics of this work in progress army.

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